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This is Your Sign to Write Postcards - 'cause Why Not?

Updated: Aug 1

A collection of paintings of a girl under an umbrella, while postcards are falling from the sky. AI generated art.
It's incredible what AI is capable of.

I have a friend who once got deeply concerned over my excessive postcard writing lifestyle. 'One day you'll realise how much you've spent on it,' he told me with genuine worry in his eyes. He wasn't wrong. But boy oh boy how much more sending postcards means than spending money money money...

Because money, money, money must be funny,

...but postcards are even funnier.

I've been writing postcards to all and everyone, including myself.

The good thing about cards is that sending them - unless you want some fancy delivery - truly doesn't cost much (although all postal services seem to either deliver your lovely lines or .... you know ... not. It's a ride for sure).

Moreover, although there are PLENTY of fun, beautiful or unique cards out there, you don't even necessarily need to buy any, you can make them. And no, you don't have to be the next Renoir to make them enjoyable. Just as you don't need to be the next Shakespeare to write something meaningful either. Moreover, you don't even need to write anything meaningful. For postcards, you don't need to be smart, you don't need to be gifted, you don't even need to be ambitious. You just need to want to share love. And just to tell you something odd, once I sent a postcard to that previously mentioned friend of mine with one single word on it: CABBAGE.

A hand holding a postcard with a cabbage on it.

(Yes, I found this VERY funny. But then, I love nonsense.) And just trust me. Recipients do care. Recipients do care far more than you could ever imagine.

Here are five little ideas you can use if you want to send cards but don't want to look or sound too serious (or don't have anything particular to say, haha).


Send branches or leaves; I like sealing them onto my cards or an envelope, but it's also fun just to slip them into the envelope. Especially, if it's a branch of rosemary or any herbal plant, it will smell absolutely lovely.:)

AI generated drawing of an a letter with a rosemary branch sealed on it.
A darling AI drew this for me. But yes, I've been sending rosemary branches on letters.


Fill the envelope with glitter. Now, as we know, glitter does go everywhere, so make sure the recipient won't mind a pinch of sparkle. ;)

AI generated illustration of an open envelope with glitter pouring from it.
Postcard Sparkle


Send poetry, duh.

A painting with Japanese poetry on it.


Send someone two cards in one envelope: One with your message on it and a blank/empty one. Ask them to write something tiny on the latter one and send it to a friend or loved one of theirs.

a desk with postcards and letters on it


Send a postcard to a famous person/artist you adore. I've sent quite a few postcards to that one favourite author of mine. But more about that project of mine in my next post. ;)

Last but not least, let me add my favourite pictures Microsoft Bing generated for me about this topic.:

Girl with umbrella while postcards are falling from the sky, AI art

A girl under an umbrella, while postcards are falling from the sky. AI generated art.
Klimt inspired.
A girl under an umbrella, while postcards are falling from the sky. AI generated art.
digital art
A girl with an umbrella is standing in postcard-rain. AI generated art.
There's something in this one I love... the colouring, maybe.

Bye, bye for today, Darlings.:)

Hugs from the Fearless Frock!

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