I have too many Christmassy ideas, so I might post a lot in the next 3-ish weeks...or I don't. Hahaha. I'm already stressing over Christmas ending (and today's only December 5!), but I'm also quite into January, and I'll tell you why - when we reach the new year.
I was planning to write this post much earlier, but work took over my mind and I fell a bit behind. Still, I refuse to stress over this space as well, I'm very busy stressing over other stuff, thank you very much.
Now, I'm FINALLY here. In space and time. And if after reading these few lines you feel like I'm a nervous wreck, well, HOW DARE YOU?!
If you've survived these past few sentences, though - what an absolute hero you are! If you survived: this is what I really wanted to say: My favourite season is UNDOUBTEDLY Christmas and my favourite month is UNDOUBTEDLY December. What can I say. I'm a WINTER soul. So, these are the things I'm doing to make my Christmas sparkle:
1.) Prepare:
My number one tip is to prep in advance - something I did do, though did not write about. I got most gifts sorted before the end of November. For that, have a planner! I bought a Christmas planner in Flying Tiger, circa 3 weeks ago. I obviously did not need it, because I could've used any random notebook, or could've written things on my phone, but I did buy it and it was a great decision. It has been making me very-very happy. You need joy objects in your life.
It is also very helpful with my next point. --->
2.) Focus:
I think that the golden key to making Christmas TRUE (and not shallow) is the act of re-focusing our attention on others. Attention - or actions - don't necessarily need to be huge, theatrical or fancy (especially if one's rather short on money), but I'm convinced that if we are heartfelt and share real love, recipients (of gifts, words, objects, little, clumsy, handmade things) will feel it. For me, this has been mainly involving making Christmas cards and sending them (in time), so hopefully they won't arrive post-Christmas (there's that rather dispiriting feeling of getting a Christmas card post-Christmas). It's still better than nothing, of course, and we know that 'post' happens, but it's just nice if your little pack of love arrives in time - and makes others feel thought of. Also. In the same line of thought, do things for others. (Cook for someone, make tea, clean up, buy flowers.) I swear, your loved ones will be sooo happy. Also, don't forget that the holidays are a very difficult time for so many people. You can never know how many lives your little acts of kindness might be able to save.
3.) Prioritise Faith. (Not necessarily a religious one.)
I, personally, do believe in God (I am a Christian), but I also think that Christmas is in general an amazing time to consciously remind yourself of the core values you believe in. Be it love, kindness, music or walking your doggo with patience. (Patience is my nemesis.) I'm OBSESSED with my family's Golden Retriever, but I'm also an impatient doggo walker. I most definitely need to improve in that aspect.
4.) Buy a Christmassy Snow Globe:
This is, obviously, by far the most important point on this list. Hahaha. No, but really, look at this cutie:
I have two objects this Christmas season that have brought me the most everday-type-of-joy: the previously mentioned planner and this snow globe. I didn't need any of them, but both of them were love at first sight.
5.) Listen to Classical Music:
BBC 3, I LOVE YOU. BBC has this iPLayer (a perfectly working application), where you can access all of their channels. It's completely free - and also ad-free. An interesting bonus thing is that they talk a lot about Hungarians. From orchestras and conductors to composers.
6.) Peeeeeeeets!
This is my family's "Little Bear",
The Star of This Universe,
The Very Best Existence,
Chaos Himself
(And his (...our...) stolen cleaning supply - stick?)
He's a lot of work, and VERY moody, but also the one most successful power to make us happier (and better people). I'll write about him soon - especially about why he's such an extraordinary little bumblebee.
(While I was writing these lines he knocked on the door. I LOVE the smell of his fur when coming in from the cold. I asked him why he was so cute, and he looked at me and went upstairs. Pf. It must be hard to be a celebrity. Loved by everyone. I bet he went to his bed to cuddle his blanket. That b*tch.)
Cleaning was much slower than expected on the day of this photo, but also far more heartwarming. So, this Christmas season, cuddle your pet and give them real love, attention, time. They are the best remedy for everything. They, too, deserve a magical season.
7.) Do Those Very Things You Don't Want to Do.
Yes. You know which ones I mean. Callling people, getting up early. Giving your favourite chocolate to someone else.
+Bonus Tip From my Brother: Take it Easy (aka stress-free)
Art is the answer to staying calm. (Art is the answer for everything.) I added this thought, my brother was too busy and had no time to explain his pov (also, he's not the speech-kind of person). I'M the speech kind of person. Duh.
The truth is that I also wanted to add a letter (wishlist) to Santa, but I've gotten too tired. I may or may not do that later (this December), in a different post.
For now, Good Night and hugs from the Fearless Frock!:)